Rich Ideas Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 9:25:11
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Join Spiritual Teacher,EBook Author, motivational speaker trained life coach and facilitator; Cory Clay every Thursday at 7pm Eastern Time for..."Rich Ideas Radio"!Learn how to access your "Rich Ideas" to transform your life as you know it, create lasting change, wealth, health and prosperity. BE, DO, and HAVE what you want! Open your heart to all the possibilities and release limitation! Effectively use spiritual practices! Affirm, Meditate and Visualize your life anew! Call (323)417-6763 to listen to the show! Contatct me at if you would like to be a guest on the show!


  • Conscious Choosing with Barbara Hofmeister!

    28/04/2011 Duration: 59min

    Barbara Hofmeister is a refugee from Communist Germany and knows first hand what it is like to be living in adverse circumstances. Severely abused and with low self-esteem she set out to live her personal dream traveling the world sharing what she learned from her intense studies and the “University of Hard Knocks” with a wide audience.Barbara became involved in her own personal development in 1978 when a friend gave her a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer and she has not stopped since to further her knowledge on the topic.Her never ending enthusiasm and passion for her work shine through every presentation she gives. You will not be able to stay untouched as Barbara has a way of reaching deep inside so you rediscover your hidden dreams and – if you so choose – live your life’s true purpose.Barbara uses a practical step by step approach that allows ANYBODY to move towards their dream life.She is a qualified Trainer of accelerated Learning, Trainer of NLP, Time Empowerment Therapy, Distinguished Toastmaster, and a Maste

  • Renewal with Nazim Rashid

    21/04/2011 Duration: 59min

    Nazim Rashid, has been helping communities, organizations and individuals regain their sense of power, control and self-esteem since 1978. His particular interests have covered a wide array of fields. He has served the community as a Counselor in the fields of mental health, substance abuse and the previously incarcerated. He has served as a Trainer creating a Teen Educators= model, mentoring and training adolescents in the areas of Conflict Resolution, Listening and Communications Skills, Drug Recovery using the 12 Step approach, Peer Counseling techniques and establishing support groups. These trained youth received additional training to then train and teach other youth to become trainers themselves. Nazim has also served as a Teacher for the severely emotionally disturbed adolescents, autistic children and adults and private music students. He has additionally served as a Consultant working with organizations and schools.He has been operating as the CEO of his consulting firm, ANazim Rashid Consulting,@

  • God & Money with Johanna Dolan!

    14/04/2011 Duration: 59min

    Johanna Dolan has a clear vision and a deep passion to support entrepreneurs to reach their goals. This vision and passion was borne out of her own personal struggles and triumphs over the years. She has experienced the lowest places one can get and has managed to climb back up (albeit with a stumble or two along the way). Johanna realized in order to support others, she first needed to support herself. She had it ALL (or rather, what "general society" deemed "all" was in order to be happy). Somehow "all" was still very EMPTY. Johanna's journey to self-love, self-respect, love for others and a myriad of other really cool things, has brought her to a place to share with others that they can indeed have all they desire AND find true and abiding happiness with self and others.   In addition to bringing nearly two decades of personal experience as an entrepreneur and 11 years as a professional financial planner Johanna speaks very openly and candidly on issues ranging from addiction, dysfunctional relationships,

  • "Vibrant Health is Your Right...Coach Your Way to Optimal Health!

    07/04/2011 Duration: 59min

    In 1987 Alison Heath was run over by a motorcycle. The medical option was to amputate the leg, and her passion for wellness began. Not only did she save her leg, but other unexpected healing benefits occurred with her lifestyle changes. To the amazement of the doctors, for over a decade Alison has been completely free of all medication for the incurable conditions of bipolar disorder and hypothyroidism! Alison devoted much of her career to the health sector including CEO for InfoMedQue Inc., an Internet information service for the health sector in Quebec. As a health journalist, her regular column titled “The Natural Path” was created to provide medical practitioners who read M.D. News magazine another approach toward health and well-being.From personal experience, Alison discovered her joy coaching individuals willing to take responsibility for their health. She guides the psychological shift required to create an optimal life. Watch her videos as Longevity Expert

  • Spring Forward!

    31/03/2011 Duration: 54min

    We discuss using Seasonal Energies to support us in creating a life we want!

  • Loving You with Jennifer Schramm

    24/03/2011 Duration: 48min

    Tonight our guest is Jennifer Schramm! As someone who has fully recovered from an eating disorder, Jennifer Schramm is the creator of The Starving Self™, a program specifically designed to help people with eating disorders, and those who are generally suffering from low self-esteem.As a life coach and registered professional counsellor, Jennifer offers personal and group coaching, and has facilitated skill building groups at eating disorder support and resource centres such as Sheena’s Place in Toronto and Danielle’s Place in Burlington. She has also developed several specialized workshops and programs, among them, The Life Skills Toolkit, The Healing Circle, and an eight-week process called “Getting To Know Yourself Inside and Out.”Jennifer is a sought-after speaker, especially at high schools, colleges and universities. She writes a weekly column for the popular Toronto blogsite “She Does The City”, cited as the #1 Blog by Now Magazine. This year, Jennifer starts a new column called “The Starving Self, R

  • How to be a Conscious Entrepreneur with Violet Kashewa!

    17/03/2011 Duration: 01h00s

    Violet Kashewa, is an expert Intuitive Business Advisor. She is a Certified Practitioner of Metaphysics trained in 4-Level Belief Work, with 20 years professional intuitive advising experience who deeply understands human co-creative power. She is a personal and organizational development specialist effectively working within the Company mind-set, in a defined intuitive analysis methodology, focused on driving authenticity to maximize full potential. Truth-telling and taking charge of excellence initiatives is the hallmark of her approach.She is author of the forthcoming book, Your Company's Unseen Dynamics,and show host of Interpretive BIZ..."more interpretations, insights and ideas" for the business community. Her case study pilot, Emerging Expectations in Synthesized Analysis Methodologies, has been created for Fortune 1000 companies to prove the vital role of intuitive company assessment as a key solution to quickly and effectively meet CEO priorities. Certifications:Certified Medical IntuitiveCertified

  • Be A Better Networker with Sherrie Goodrich

    11/03/2011 Duration: 51min

    On this show we talke with Sherrie Goodrich!Sherrie is a recipient of the Notable Networker award of BNI (Business Network International) in both the Santa Clarita and Santa Maria areas of California. Believing in the Givers Gain philosophy she has given and received thousands of dollars in referral business. Developing relationships makes all the difference and first impressions create the opportunity that others use to decide if you, your service or company are potentially an alliance partner.She has served as Past President in BNI and Toastmasters International- Nina Club 80. As Area Evaluation contest winner in Toastmasters, she has helped others to develop compelling introductions. Graduate of Santa Maria Leadership Class of 2009, she knows the importance of first impressions.Sherrie will show you how to create the ideal encounter that makes others want to find out more about you and your company. You will be able To Shine at any business event or networking group in 60 Seconds or Less.Website: TheNotabl

  • Journey to Self-Love Day 15 No Celebrity

    01/03/2011 Duration: 55min

    We continue our interactive journey to Love in the month of February!

  • Journey to Self-Love Day 14 Growing Pains (How Love Handles Failure)

    26/02/2011 Duration: 57min

    We continue on our interactive journey to Love in the month of February!