Inversion Community

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Welcome to the Inversion Podcast. Here you'll find messages from our gatherings and the occasional lectio divina exercise.


  • Healing Family Hurts


    Has your family hurt you? This is the topic that fellow church planter Jonathan Simpson tackles. A man named Joseph in the Old Testament can relate. His brothers were ready to kill him and at the last minute decided to sell him as a slave instead. Falsely accused of rape, he's sent to prison. Yet, somehow, God redeems this terrible tragedy. In spite of all of this hurt, Joseph is able to say to his brothers who hurt him, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 20:50. Hear how you can receive healing for your hurts based on the life of Joseph. Jonathan is Pastor of Ignite church in Highlands Ranch.

  • He is Risen-The Shroud of Turin


    What the media won't tell you about the most studied artifact in the history of the world.

  • Twigs & Branches


    What does Jesus mean when he said, "I am the vine and you are the branches? John 15:1-11

  • An unlikely salve


    The sixth sign of John's Gospel is a man born blind that Jesus encounters and heals with a mud salve made from dust and his own spit. How rude, cude and offensive is this way of healing a blind man? John 9

  • The New Birth


    A Pharisee ventures out in the middle of the night to talk to Jesus. Jesus tells him that unless a person is born again, he/she cannot see the Kingdom of God. What does Jesus mean by being born again? John 3.

  • Jesus the Bread of Life


    Jesus feeds over 5000 people with five loaves of bread a two fish. Could this bread be more than just about people's stomachs? "I am the bread of life...I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." John 6:48;51.

  • Our Mission & Sharon's Faith Story


    How our mission is working in the lives of real people. Sharon Cosgrove shares her story of finding Inversion Community and discovering Jesus as a result.

  • What's Our Mission?


    Have you ever wondered what our mission is? Did you know that in one sense we really don't have a mission? We borrow our mission. The Mission is God's. We simply partner with God in his mission. God still says to the world today, as he did to the first humans, "Where Are You?" The Church doesn't have a mission. The Mission has a Church. Genesis 3:9.

  • Making Room for Sinners & Saints


    What if everything you've ever heard, and everything you've ever thought about how to approach God is....wrong? This is the question I’d like to pose for all of us to consider out of Luke 15:11-32. From one of the most well known parables of Jesus comes a startling realization that there’s something critical to our approach to God that we may have missed.

  • Christmas Eve Eve 2015


    Why did God become one of us? John 1:1-3, 1:9, 1:14; 6:32-33

  • Advent 2015-Jesus as Son+Money Matters with Special Guest Roger Hederstedt


    The Roles Jesus Fulfils. Jesus as the Son. God only had one Son. He gave all He had for us. John 3:16-17. One of our leaders, Roger Hederstedt shares about the Fragile Future of Inversion Community. Ever wonder about the money? Wonder no more....take a listen!

  • Christmas at Inversion: A Classic Christmas Celebration & Advent Pt. 3 Jesus as King


    Check out the full length audio of our Classic Christmas Celebration featuring the Foothills Community Choir, violin, guitar, and much more! Plus Jesus as King! John 18:33-37

  • Advent 2015-Jesus As Priest-with special guest Jim Peterson


    A priest is a mediator, or bridge, between God and human beings. He offers sacrifice to God on behalf of all. Once a year on the Day of Atonement the Jewish high priest went into the Holy of Holies in the Temple. There he offered sacrifice to God to make up for his sins and the sins of the people. Jesus is the greatest high priest. Because he is both divine and human, Jesus is the perfect mediator. He is not only the perfect priest, holy and sinless, but the perfect sacrifice. The sacrifice of Jesus need never be made again. Jesus “entered once for all into the sanctuary, not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption” (Hebrews 9:12). Jesus continues his role as priest. “He is always able to save those who approach God through him, since he lives forever to make intercession for them” (Hebrews 7:25).

  • Exile Pt. 2


    Do you find yourself in a barren land where you suddenly realize you are abandoned, deserted, disconnected, disillusioned, ful of doubt and all alone? Welcome to Exile! 2 Samuel 9:7-13

  • Exile Pt. 1


    Do you find yourself in a barren land where you suddenly realize you are abandoned, deserted, disconnected, disillusioned, ful of doubt and all alone? Welcome to Exile! Exodus 1,3

  • Ultimate Hero Pt. 7


    Do you ever feel like you're just "getting by" in life, that maybe you were meant for something greater? What if, like Clark Kent, we all have a hero inside? Not the kind can leap tall buildings, but the kind that can make a difference by being a better parent or friend, or being more generous or just by changing your priorities. Discover your true potential at Inversion. No Phone Booth Required! Genesis 12

  • Ultimate Hero Pt. 6


    Do you ever feel like you're just "getting by" in life, that maybe you were meant for something greater? What if, like Clark Kent, we all have a hero inside? Not the kind can leap tall buildings, but the kind that can make a difference by being a better parent or friend, or being more generous or just by changing your priorities. Discover your true potential at Inversion. No Phone Booth Required! Exodus 3-4

  • Ultimate Hero Pt. 5


    Do you ever feel like you're just "getting by" in life, that maybe you were meant for something greater? What if, like Clark Kent, we all have a hero inside? Not the kind can leap tall buildings, but the kind that can make a difference by being a better parent or friend, or being more generous or just by changing your priorities. Discover your true potential at Inversion. No Phone Booth Required! Romans 12:2

  • Ultimate Hero Pt. 4 with special guest Jill Meyer


    Do you ever feel like you're just "getting by" in life, that maybe you were meant for something greater? What if, like Clark Kent, we all have a hero inside? Not the kind can leap tall buildings, but the kind that can make a difference by being a better parent or friend, or being more generous or just by changing your priorities. Discover your true potential at Inversion. No Phone Booth Required! Luke 7:36-50

  • Ultimate Hero Pt. 3


    Do you ever feel like you're just "getting by" in life, that maybe you were meant for something greater? What if, like Clark Kent, we all have a hero inside? Not the kind can leap tall buildings, but the kind that can make a difference by being a better parent or friend, or being more generous or just by changing your priorities. Discover your true potential at Inversion. No Phone Booth Required! Mark 1:35-37

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