Ezra Institute Lectures - Video



Ezra Institute Recently Added Resources


  • State of the Nation 2020


    Andre Schutten explains the significance of recent court cases and legal developments in Canada as they relate to the freedoms and values of Canadians, and especially to the work of pastoral ministry.

  • A Christian Philosophy of Work


    God is continually active in His created world, sustaining it at every moment. Human beings were made to worship and serve, to tend and keep God’s good creation, and our attitude toward work reflects our theology.

  • Christian Witness in a Hostile Culture


    A proper Christology militates against statism or salvation by politics, because God's reign is not mediated by human powers and institutions, but by Christ alone. 

  • The Heresy of Democracy


    In many cases, heretical, anti-God ideas only show themselves outside the sphere of the church. Joe Boot addresses the ARPA Niagara chapter on the heresy of liberal democracy. 

  • Government According to the Gospel


    EICC Fellow Jonathan Burnside explains the blessings of following God's law that accrue to a nation.

  • Cultivating Culture by Recovering a Christian Mind


    The urgent task before God’s people in our time is the recovery of a Christian mind – most especially for those in ecclesiastical and cultural leadership. What we need is a wholesale recovery, and in some instances a fresh discovery, of what it means to think Christianly and therefore to be Christian.

  • Apologetics Methodology


    At the 2019 Worldview Leadership Camp, Cory McKenna of the Cross Current explains why the Word of God must be the foundation for everything we believe, and that we can only recognize the false by first establishing a standard for what is true.

  • Creation and Kingdom


    EICC Founder Joe Boot addresses pastors and church leaders at the CMI Canada Pastor's Retreat. What do Jesus and the kingdom of God have to do with the question of creation? 

  • Worldviews of the West: Scholasticism and Romanticism


    Andrew Sandlin traces the development of Scholasticism and Romanticism, two worldview movements that have contributed to the dominant contemporary worldviews of Western society.

  • Sphere Sovereignty


    EICC Fellow and Runner Academy faculty member Willem Ouweneel explains the concept of sphere sovereignty.

  • Engaging the Cultural Landscape


    Founder Joe Boot and EICC Fellow Ted Fenske join a panel discussion at BreakForth Edmonton to talk about racism, Christianity as colonialism, teaching your kids critical thinking, the relationship of the state to other spheres of society, and the principle of cultural diversity found in the Trinity.

  • Worldview, Pagan Revival, and Pagan Sexuality


    Peter Jones demonstrates the wide gulf between the Christian and non-Christian worldview, and the implications they each have for sexuality.

  • Viewing the Cultural Landscape


    The residual Christian worldview is declining in our culture. Rather than seeking to encounter the world as it is given, the prevailing cultural motive is to impose on the world an artificial and unrealistic vision of origins, ethics and destiny that stands in rebellion to God.

  • A Christian Theology of Arts and Culture


    Many Christians have deliberately avoided the sphere of art as an immoral and ungodly realm. But God has created man to be his representative and image-bearer in every area of life. It is part of the Christian duty to pursue godly art as a part of pursuing godly culture.

  • Churchianity or Christianity


    Rev. Dr. Joe Boot describes the theological framework from which to understand the missional call of every Christian. He encourages and challenges the church to fully understand and apply what it means to be called by Christ as culture shapers and transformers.

  • The Gospel and the Church


    What is the role of the church in society, and how does God expect His church to fulfil that role?

  • Why do we Celebrate the Reformation?


    The Protestant Reformation helped to recover a biblical understanding of personal, church, and political liberty.

  • Reformation Heritage: Martin Luther & God’s Justifying and Sanctifying Love


    In memory of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Dr. David Robinson speaks on the reformer Martin Luther, the nailing up of the 95 Theses, and his understanding of God's Justifying and Sanctifying Love.

  • Gospel Culture: Crisis & Hope


    How do we understand our present cultural moment? What is our relationship to the culture surrounding us? And what hope does Scripture offer our culture? In the first of a series of Cornerstones lectures, Dr. Joe Boot introduces us to the biblical concept of gospel culture.

  • The Uniqueness of Christ


    When we talk about the uniqueness of Christ, we are actually making a statement about the meaning and purpose of all human history.

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