Social Art



Social Artists need to talk to other Social Artists


  • Episode 5: The never-ending Social Art todo list


    Lloyd and Dan swap todo lists and realise there’s even more to be done than ever! Download (28MB)

  • Episode 4: The Bolshy One


    Lloyd gets a bit ranty about presenting complex narratives as a battle between good and evil. Someone wants to make lunch in Lloyd’s podcasting studio. Dan talks about the campaign to get artists paid. But we round up quite harmoniously with a call for guests to join us in our next conversation. Download (23MB) Luckily […]

  • Episode 3 – We All Need Help


    Dan and Lloyd wrap up their discussion of Bedford Happy and talk about the importance of getting help and assistance both with the delivery of a project and with making meaningful documentation. Download (29MB)

  • Episode 2: Not Forgetting The Past


    Download (28M) Ramble, ramble ramble…– Come and see us both at Bedford Happy on 29th March– Subscribe on iTunes and leave us some feedback– Cat playing invisible bongos– Bedford’s favourite fudge– Buy Dan’s book, read it, do what it says– And this one too– Ebbsfleet Garden City– Ebbsfleet United FC– The Empty Homes Agency– The […]

  • Episode 1: What is Social Art?


    This morning I had a skype conversation with my friend and oftentimes collaborator, Dan Thompson. We talked about what we’ve been doing and stuff and then got into the subject of social art, what it is, how you pay for it, who can do it, etc. It’s not a conversation that’s finished, we’ll be doing […]