Your Mileage May Vary

Holodeck Sex, Vintage Masturbation Using Images, Cuddling Trickery, Dating Profile Time Warps



Keith doesn't think women should include pictures of their mothers with them in dating profiles. Mike thinks it makes lots of sense to do so. You can be the judge on this one, but a hint is it may just be a test of whether you're short- or long-term dating oriented. And this after Keith shamed Mike for sharing some pictures of "some prostitutes" earlier in the day. They were thousand-dollar escorts, thank you very much. High-end ladies of the night! Would a man always choose sex with a virtual partner who required no before-care or after-care over masturbating? Probably. But, he also would likely pick masturbation over a real partner a significant percentage of the time. Who wouldn't? Now, to Keith's enjoyment of still images of young ladies as part of his onanistic portfolio. Now, I prefer talkies, or at the very least moving images. At an absolute minimum, I like to watch a video of, say, a train moving in and out of a tunnel repeatedly. But I do have some grudging respect a man who is still anchored in 19t