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Understand Me 2 - What do the Know?



What do they Know?Let's start with asking what do your audience already know about you and your topic?There are two extreme dangers here:1. Assumptions and2. The Curse of KnowledgeYou see I carry a curse. A curse of knowledge. Just as you do:The Curse of Knowledge!I attended a networking event recently where someone was sharing about Bitcoin."Bitcoin is a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used in a blockchain to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank."Yes, but what is it?I don't fully understand Bitcoin. I don't get how you "mine" them and I don't appreciate how they can be worth more than $10,000. And I'm a geek!I feel utterly stupid when someone who does know, speaks down to me as if I really should know and it turns into a crushing sense of hopelessness.And that's not a great place for your audience to be.jill and colleagues peering into empty skull.pngWhen someone assumes that you should know someth