Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan ep 672! Nuclear Bomb in a Blender!



Got Faded Japan ep 672 Merry Holidays or whatever people are saying these days, we just want to spread the love during this most festive time of year. Speaking of festive, Johnny gifts Tom a new computer so the show is just that much closer to reaching solid gold. Oh and Jeremy drinks some IPAs in this episode too. Well shit if you’re still reading this I guess we’ll have to spoil the whole episode. Okay, first we bitch that we don’t have enough YouTube followers (SIGN UP NOW) and then we talk a little about Tom’s new Christmas present, aka his computer and then we started to get really drunk so we decided to take a break and replenish our drinks. After the break we broke down 6 of the most bizarre news articles that happened in Japan this week. These articles were really wild, a woman actually set fire to a hotel to ghost herself and she got away with it, can you believe that shit?? Oh and in another article a mother wrapped her 3 year old daughter up like a mummy so she couldn’t move a muscle and then the