Profitable Farmer

Episode 110 - Reflecting on our shared success



Business can be a very lonely place. Farming can be isolating.    Sometimes… no, often… we can feel like we are ‘going it alone’.    Our challenges, failings, and issues can feel unique to us.    In my experience, when you commit to joining a Mastermind Group, everything can change. There is much wisdom to call on from those around us, and we quickly realise we are not alone and our issues are not our own.    In a Mastermind, we get to surround ourselves with like-minded, growth-oriented peers. We get to stand on the sturdy shoulders of giants.    As we arrive at the end of 2022, it gives me great pleasure to reflect on the year that was with four incredible families and Platinum Mastermind Members.    In this episode, I invite Michael & Simone Hughes, James & Kylie Armstrong, Luke & Betty-Lou Haydon and Luke & Danielle Wiese to join me for a chat and to reflect on their journey with Farm Owners Academy so far.    Four great Australian families and four simple questions:  Where were you, and w