Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Embracing a Community of Leadership and Belonging with Nina Simons (155)



You won’t want to miss this episode where my guest, Nina Simons, engages us in a fascinating discussion on leadership that is probably unlike one you’ve experienced before. I’m throwing out floaties to those who need them because we are swimming in the deep end this entire episode! (My favorite!)  Some takeaways from this chat include: How to step into leadership by surrounding yourself with other women leaders so you can support and accelerate each other’s learning. (And men need this, too! It’s not always a “good ol boy’s club.” It could be strong male bonds that are needed as much as women need to support women!) What leading with diversity and equity at the forefront looks like, and how belonging is such an easy offer to extend. What relational intelligence is and how prioritizing relationships in designing and planning projects and outcomes is critical for success. Carl Jung’s feminine vs. masculine energy concept and how our society has historically devalued the qualities we associate with feminin