Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

From Impoverished Immigrant to Successful IT Bombshell Business Owner with Alejandrina Aguilar (156)



Alejandrina Aguilar came from a very low-income background and started working at the age of five years old in Mexico. Her mother went to the U.S. before her to make a better life for her, as she waited years for her mother to earn enough money for her daughter to join her. “Allie” endured significant challenges to become the Bombshell Business Woman she is today, owning an IT firm and serving on multiple boards in the largest urban economy in Florida and the 12th largest in the U.S., Miami…in a male-dominated industry,  no less. She shares her story with you to prove that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.  Yet as inspiring as her story is, we also get into her area of expertise: information technology. She breaks down her basic checklist of what any business should receive from its IT provider. Allie says the goal is to manage and maintain instead of breaking and fixing, as the solution often costs far more than the maintenance. “Recovering is harder than protecting,” Allie touts, and she is sp