On The Brink With Andi Simon

337: Vicki Baker—Isn't It Time For You To Power Through To Your Next Career Stop?



Hear how to boldly take control of your own career path Dr. Vicki Baker's sixth book in five years solidifies her standing as a nationally recognized expert in the unique issues faced by mid-career faculty in higher education. As she coaches numerous professionals, she has discovered a recurring theme: academicians get their degrees and often their tenure, but then get stuck or stalled in their career advancement. Is it that they need better mentors? Or do institutions need to identify and sponsor their high-performing stars earlier, and coach them along their pathways to career advancement? And this is happening not just in the world of academia. Industry is struggling with the same dilemma. Are you stuck or stalled in an academic position or a corporate career trajectory? Make a point to listen in for Vicki's solutions. Watch and listen to our conversation here Why women academics often get stalled, and what to do about it On an annual basis, I have conducted workshops for Vicki's students involved in busi