Profitable Farmer

Episode 108 - There is always a silver lining



Right now, there are many farming families facing real challenges. Extended rains, widespread flooding, the prospect of failed crops, wet paddocks and the complexities all this brings for hay carting, harvest and the end of our season.   A season that promised so much.   A cost-base inflated by the aftermath of a global pandemic.   Seven years ago, Platinum Mastermind members Troy and Nette Fisher, Ashmore Rams (Woolshed, SA) were decimated by the Pinery Fires.   Three years ago, Farm Owners Academy Coach David ‘Westy’ Westbrook dedicated months on Kangaroo Island, supporting fire-affected members of our community with their recovery efforts.   I asked them to join me for this episode to offer some hope and inspiration to those experiencing challenges and their own version of adversity – large or small.   In this episode, I reflect with Troy and Nette on where they have arrived to on the other side of their adversity. I also ask Westy to reflect on what our Farm Owners Academy community on Kangaroo Island di