Your Mileage May Vary

Too Much Nudity?, Is Pegging Gay?, Messy Blowjobs, FWB Demands



A man accused us of not understanding how someone can be completely, totally straight and yet still enjoy being on the receiving end of a good pegging. Now, on some level that may occasionally be true, but it makes sense to me that it pushes you a bit "to the left" on the spectrum. And, it could even be a gateway drug, moving you from MFM land to the world of MMF. But maybe that's just the gabapentin talking. Next, what would you do if a couple barged into your room and started having sex right in front of you? Would you watch? Participate? Sneak off to the bathroom to masturbate? One woman enjoys showing up to her boyfriend's apartment completely nude and unannounced. Another wants to know if men are bothered by her looking "a mess" while giving blowjobs. And yet another woman has a list of very specific demands to initiate and FWB situation with an ex. We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: