Lately In Php Podcast

How to Help the EverSQL Tool Optimizing MySQL SQL Queries More Efficiently by Passing It Your MySQL Database Metadata - 4 minutes - Lately in PHP Podcast Episode 93 Part 5



How to Help the EverSQL Tool Optimizing MySQL SQL Queries More Efficiently by Passing It Your MySQL Database Metadata - 4 minutes - Lately in PHP Podcast Episode 93 Part 5 By Manuel Lemos The EverSQL tool is excellent for suggesting optimizations for SQL queries for your applications that use MySQL. That tool must first obtain the structure of your database tables to suggest good optimizations. You can get that structure by executing a SQL query that extracts the database metadata. Read this article, watch a 4-minute video, or listen to part 4 of episode 93 of the Lately in PHP podcast to learn how to extract your MySQL database metadata to help the EverSQL tool to optimize your application SQL queries for free.