Liberty V Justice

Stay strapped Saturday: Making enemies of allies?



“If you don’t heal from your wounds, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you” he who sweats the most in training bleeds the least in war! This is your training! We are warriors! We’re going to help heal those who are hurting! Be the change you wish to see on the world! Heal your wounds so you can help heal the world and make it a happier healthier more loving place! I was hurting EVERYONE else by not healing myself. I decided to stop hurting. Do you know why? 2 reasons. I wanted to help people. I wanted to be free. I was paying for crimes I didn’t commit. The people who hurt me continued to be miserable and go around hurting others. They weren’t in the least bit concerned for me and didn’t care whether I forgave them or not. I WAS WRONG! I was hurting EVERYBODY! THE WHOLE WORLD! I could have shared all these strategies and made a difference in the world sooner. I have no regrets, I’m telling you this to let you know I’m with you and I understand you and PLEASE DON’T DO THAT OR STOP doing it if you ar