Sales Reinvented

Park Howell’s ABT Framework for Storytelling, Ep #323



Park Howell knows that if you’re a leading sales professional, you want to communicate and resonate on a deep level to convert prospects to life-long evangelists for your brand. But you may not connect as well as you could because you lead with logic and reason. Your audience wants the emotional pull of an irresistible story.  That’s why Park coaches salespeople with his ABT framework to escalate and accelerate the sales process. Storytelling is the fundamental agile communication tool to get everyone on board as quickly as possible—especially prospects. He shares more about his storytelling framework in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [1:02] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess [3:05] Is storytelling a gift that can be learned? [4:08] Park’s ABT framework for storytelling [5:58] The attributes of a great storyteller [8:13] Resources to improve storytelling [10:15] Park’s top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [13:34] How do you employ brevity in storytelling? [15:10] Why s