Sales Reinvented

Listening is the Key to Telling Stories that Sell per Kendra Lee, Ep #322



A prospect needs to see themself in a solution to believe it’s possible for them. Storytelling is what helps your prospects put themselves in whatever situation that you’re talking about. When they can relate to the story and hear what the moral is, they’re more likely to move forward. But you have to tell the right story. And according to Kendra Lee, the key to choosing the right story is listening. Learn how she utilizes this simple tool to realize extraordinary results in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [0:43] Why storytelling is an important skill for salespeople [1:26] Can you become a gifted storyteller?  [2:20] The ingredients of a great story that sells [3:28] The characteristics of a good storyteller [6:11] Resources to improve your storytelling [8:28] Kendra’s storytelling dos and don’ts [11:00] Maintain control of your narrative  The ingredients of a great story that sells According to Kendra, you have to begin with the problem that the prospect or client has. Start wit