Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Leading with Love with Lauren Madewell of Auntie Belham Cabin Rentals (150)



If you’re not following Lauren Madewell, Chief Operating Officer of Auntie Belham's Cabin Rentals, on LinkedIn for her insightful posts and funny guest-facing videos, you are missing out! Her adorably on-brand campy (in the best way) guest videos both deepen the emotional connection with their brand while offering helpful guidance to make guest stays easier and less stressful. Never afraid to look goofy to share the love, she also takes her employee experience, her guest experience, her influence on the VR/STR industry, as well as her stewardship as a leader in the Great Smokey Mountain community, very seriously. Something clicked for her at the VRM Intel Women’s Summit in 2021, and the fire that was lit ignited an inferno of activity that has ultimately put this emerging industry leader on stage among industry power houses at this year’s VRMA International Conference. (Not too shabby for someone who wasn’t even on LinkedIn, the VR industry water cooler, even a year ago!) It’s been a JOY to watch Lauren in