Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

EJM 3: Andy Hobday The Birth of an Entrepreneur



In this interview I'm super stoked to have on the amazing Andy Hobday as a guest. He shares his amazing story of how he brought the fire with Garrett J White on stage and Garrett threw it right back at him, creating some amazing momentum for him and his brand new personal brand. Find out more about Andy's Journey in this episode. Check out Andy's amazing 'Collecting Hater's Like Pokemon Cards' Tee and find out more about his story here: https://www.andrewhobday.com (https://www.andrewhobday.com) Make sure to connect with Andy on his social platforms:  https://www.facebook.com/andy.hobday.5 (https://www.facebook.com/andy.hobday.5) Don't miss Andy's Facebook Live Streams, he's going #live365 for he rest of the year on his profile above!