Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

EJM 20: Facts Tell, Stories Sell



Hello and welcome back to the Entrepreneur Junkie Movement Podcast where we: Celebrate the Raw Truth, Conquer Fear, Create Impact and Tell the Real Stories of Entrepreneurship. On this episode today I talk with my beloved girlfriend and partner Gina Tierno about some of the ways we tell stories as entrepreneurs. Make sure to head to http://www.contentlaunchsecret.com (www.contentlaunchsecret.com) to jump into our brand new content masterclass coming next week where we're teaching all of you guys how to create a full year of content in just a few hours...   We're also running an amazing 4 for 4 competition where we're giving away 4 Amazing Courses for FREE from 4 amazing entrepreneurs - competition closes on May 31st 2019. We're giving away: Doug Boughton's - Sales Funnel Mastery $997 Chantelle Turner's - The CULT-ure Method $997 Wendy Hart's - The Procrastination Cure $397 Samantha Brown's - Double Your Tribe Challenge $297 Make sure to head to http://www.contentlaunchsecret.com (www.contentlaunchs