Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

EJM 73: Some Sad News



Guys today was a tough one to share... so I can't wait to give it to you straight... Find out the real reason why we've not been publishing. --- Want to learn how to start your own podcast? I created a free training to get you started Inside My Facebook Group! --> http://www.joinpodcasting101.com (www.joinpodcasting101.com) --- Want to figure out the secret to a perfect podcast launch? Download my FREE Podcast Profit Playbook --> http://www.podcastprofitplaybook.com (www.podcastprofitplaybook.com) Follow me on Instagram --> http://www.Instagram.com/jamieatkinson (www.Instagram.com/jamieatkinson) P.S Don't forget to subscribe and leave a 5-star review if you enjoyed the show! --- Want To Get The Exact Funnel That Made Me $12,410 In 7 Days, By Attracting 200 New DREAM Customers Into My Facebook Group  → http://www.thepodcastjunkie.com/cls-funnel (www.thepodcastjunkie.com/cls-funnel)