Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

The #1 High Income Skill



Quotes From Episode  “The number one high income skill that I encourage people to lean into with is phone sales”-Jamie Atkinson Don’t Miss: 0:45 Why so many people get stuck to get to $10,000/month? 2:27 Focusing on one simple high income skill that will move you forward in your business 4:31 Learn how to be become exceptional at sales 9:16 I shared my new business model that made closer to my goal in terms of revenue Links Mentioned in the Episode: Need help with figuring out how to get more appointments and the best way I can do this to show you how to do it with a podcast? Go to https://www.changemakersmovement.com/5days/ (https://www.changemakersmovement.com/5days/) and learn about the different ways we can help to monetize your podcast exponentially Connect With Us  Make sure to subscribe to the show, we release a new episode every Tuesday at 9am EST.  Subscribe to the Changemakers Calendar (and get a sneak preview of upcoming episodes and events) http://www.changemakersmovement.com/calendar (>>> Subscri