Profitable Farmer

Episode 106 - The Psychology of Resilience



As Part III on the important topic of RESILIENCE, I speak with the incredible Maria Ruberto – specialist in the neuroscience and deep psychology of human resilience.   Her official definition: Advancing despite adversity.   Love this.   I find how our mind works so fascinating. Recent advances in neuroscience continue to help us more deeply understand this area and seem to favour the more innate and humanistic practices advocated for mental well-being, personal development, self-awareness and emotional intelligence.   In fact, there is now a transformational model – the PR6 FACTOR – that outlines the six core domains underpinning human resilience… who knew!!     In this episode, Maria and I explore:   what is it to be resilient; how the mind works from a scientific standpoint; how our mind, when left unchecked, can work against us; how we automatically respond when faced with adversity; how we can self-regulate in order to enhance our response & realities; how big of an issue mental ‘ill-health’ (as the