Brett Mason Show

Thirteen - Make America Great Again



When America works as it’s founders envisioned. 330 million citizens making their will known to 435 representatives. 435 representatives constructing laws, apportioning the budget, creating the rules based on the direct input from the 330 million. 100 senators filtering the proposed laws, rules, budgets presented by the representatives, as to how how they will impact they state they represent. Once those two interests have been reconciled, the end result is signed off on by the President. How America works now. 330 million people trying to elect one representative, the president, and get their will imposed through him. The percent of the 435 representatives that are in his party and the percent of the 100 senators that are in his party bowing to the agenda of this one person. Because he “has the mandate of the people.” You know, just like a dictator. The remaining balance of representatives and senators of the other party fighting and blocking every agenda because that is their only tool to control this TOP