Sales Reinvented

Why Imaginative Storytelling Sells with Janice B Gordon, Ep #318



Buyers can read the features and benefits of products and services. They don’t need salespeople to tell them that. What do they need? Someone to help them imagine what the solution will feel like on the other side of the buying process. Storytelling helps the buyer relate the proposed solution to the buyer’s problem. It helps them believe that there is a solution and they gain confidence in you. When you tell stories, it activates oxytocin and makes people feel good. Storytelling fits the way humans are wired and that’s how you should communicate. Learn more about Janice’s imaginative storytelling process in this episode of Sales Reinvented! Outline of This Episode [0:52] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess [2:27] Why anyone can become a great storyteller [4:25] The ingredients of a story that sells [6:16] Attributes of a great storyteller [8:09] Ways to improve your storytelling abilities [9:30] Top 3 storytelling dos and top 3 don’ts [13:26] Change the way you engage with your audience The i