Future Role Model W/natasha Pearl Hansen

Episode 52: Justin Martindale - 1 Year Anniversary!



Host Natasha Pearl Hansen and guest Justin Martindale (@JustinMartindale) talk public dry humping and vaginas on couches, the truth of renaissance fairs and motor boating for mead, being a high school mascot, SxSW misadventures, The Comedy Store life, working with E! And Justin’s upcoming year of touring with Jim Jeffries.Video podcast versions available at https://tinyurl.com/ydgjvddoPodcast Website: https://www.comedypopupla.com/futurerolemodelFollow us:https://www.instagram.com/nphcomedyhttps://www.instagram.com/futurerolemodelhttps://www.instagram.com/comedypopup https://www.instagram.com/cpupodcasts