Future Role Model W/natasha Pearl Hansen

Episode 55: The Europe Tour Part II



Future Role Model comes to you Live from Paris! Host Natasha Pearl Hansen takes her podcast on tour in Europe and recaps the second half of the tour on her and Rachael’s final day in France. In this episode Natasha and Europe tour partner Rachael O’Brien talk finally finding a part of Berlin without Graffiti, Rachael’s unexpected ham purchase in Prague, turning rainy days into back road dance parties and cigar smoking walks, and their fancy celebratory night in Paris where they drank wine on a bridge, Rachael falling and then ending up in a freaky rocker bar in the wrong neighborhood only to have them be the friendliest Parisians yet... oh... and the difference between a bar named a Black Cat and a bar named Black Pussy in French...Video podcast versions available at https://tinyurl.com/ydgjvddoPodcast Website: https://www.comedypopupla.com/futurerolemodelFollow us:https://www.instagram.com/nphcomedyhttps://www.instagram.com/futurerolemodelhttps://www.instagram.com/comedypopup https://www.instagram.com/cpupod