Future Role Model W/natasha Pearl Hansen

Episode 100: Felonious Monk



We made it to Episode 100! Guest recorded in Chicago at People of Comedy Network, host Natasha Pearl Hansen and guest comedian and actor Felonious Monk chat about his former life of drug Lord luxury that landed him six years in prison... only to prepare him eventually for his perfectly fitting role on the new hit series 'For Life' on ABC... catch Felonious live in Chicago and nationwide as a touring comedian, one of the most hilarious and raw you will ever see...Podcast Website: https://www.comedypopupla.com/futurerolemodelFollow us:https://www.instagram.com/nphcomedyhttps://www.instagram.com/futurerolemodelhttps://www.instagram.com/comedypopup https://www.instagram.com/cpupodcasts