Aj Presents ... The Gr8r Good

Naked Chicken Chalupa State Of the Union



Voice activated computers that run our homes, cars that drive themselves, cloning extinct animals, and Fried Chicken Taco Shells. The future is now, but is the world ready for the biggest scientific breakthrough since penicillin?? Todays not about being right or wrong(even though I'm always right), but about clarity in a confusing time. Before I destroy Gentle Ben in next weeks Ninja Turtles > Power Rangers Super Show, A known mathematician who specializes in "Chaos Theory" is kind enough to stop by and weigh in on the moral ramifications of Taco Bells scientist gene splicing of Tacos and Chickens.Instagram: AJpresentsthegr8rgoodFacebook: AJ Presents The Gr8r Good Twitter: AJgr8rgoodE Mail: AJpresentsthegr8rgood@yahoo.com