Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 280: The Law of Compensation



Everyone Sheevaun here! Driving for your success. And today's topic is about getting your stuff out there. Now, fascinating story about me is when I first started doing this and my first client came to me and really they insisted on paying me, which was wonderful. However, I had this big high paying job over here and I, you know, I felt like I didn't need to be paid. And then it really dawned on me, the law of compensation is the person that gets the coaching, the work done, whatever that is, coaching, healing, mentoring, whatever they need to have, a stake in the ground. And one of the challenges that I've seen over the years of doing this work of helping people get their stuff out there, "Emerge and Monetize"  and really "Ignite their Prosperity" is not wanting to put their image out there, not wanting to do videos, not wanting, not really wanting to learn to write in a way that's going to send a message that is compelling.    And a couple of things that, one of the first companies I worked for when I moved