Emily Jordan Radio

026: Why Every Female Should Get Punched In The Face- An Interview with Jeff Grady



EVERYONE needs to hear this conversation with Charleston Muay Thai and Boxing owner, Jeff Grady. Jeff is a seasoned fighter & coach, and proud advocate for women's confidence & general badassery.  In this interview, we dive into Jeff's story & the evolution of the role of Muay Thai in his life, but we also get into something both Jeff & I are really passionate about: women, specifically women in martial arts & why Jeff thinks every female should get punched in the face. Jeff has a unique approach to women in martial arts and I can't wait for everyone to hear what he has to say. Males & females alike will walk away with a new perspective and definitely a new energy & vibe as Jeff's passion radiates through this awesome conversation!  Highlights from this episode include: the difference in boxing & muay thai how muay thai changed the trajectory of Jeff's life why & how Jeff's gym is predominantly female what everyone can learn from hitting & being hit h