Hardy Bucks #2

"We like to say crocodile inhabited, out of respect to the crocs" #28 Adam Britton



Man oh man! If you like crocodiles and mad shit that can do you in... This is the stuff for you. I'd recorded this last year, (but theres a slight hissing noise in his background audio thats why I didn't put it up yet). Sure what can you do? It's too good not to share. The mans insights are amazing. Little known fact about myself, I've been obsessed with crocs and gators since I was a small kid. My dream job was to be a marine biologist, or a zoologist working with Sharks and crocs. This for me was an awesome conversation. Perhaps the best so far. With some very surprising moments that blew my mind. A huge thank you to all of my patrons as always! If you'd like to become a patron and be part of the discussion on the discord group sign up for 5 dollar a month. https://www.patreon.com/Hardybucks