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YOU ARE LISTENING TO EPISODE 388 WITH David Newby - BioIn the broadest sense, David Newby is a Global Developer. He develops people, movements, businesses, products, services, and programs to advance God’s Kingdom on earth. Some people also refer to him as an End-Time Revivalist. But above all, he is a servant of the Most High God, and allows God to use him in whatever way He pleases.Some of David’s most notable projects include…•State of the Kingdom Address: God’s Wakeup Call to the Sleeping Church (a book scheduled for January 2016)•DGN Coaching (a coaching/consulting business that develops people, brings them into God’s perfect plan for their lives, and helps them have a bigger impact on the world through their work)•National Day of Revival (a day of revival throughout the U.S. to bring people back to God, and back to solidarity as one people to improve the nation)•The Empowerment Zone (a community on LinkedIn where David helps thousands of people around the world become empowered to be more and achieve mo