Sex Is Medicine With Devi Ward

How to Heal Body Shame and Feel More “Body-Love”



According to recent studies, approximately 91% of cis-gender women are unhappy with their bodies. I too have spent most of my life at war with my physical body, attempting to starve and “cleanse” it into an idealized concept of beauty that only 5% of the population represents.But all that has changed for me recently. I no longer feel a need to punish my body for not conforming to Hollywood’s standards of beauty. I no longer need to starve, cleanse, or raw food my body into submission. I have jiggles, and cellulite, and stretch marks, and a big, giant, juicy butt that doesn’t fit into a size 6 pair of jeans anymore, and for the first time in my life, I DON’T HATE MYSELF because of this.Now I look in the mirror and see beauty in the swells and curves. The ROUNDNESS of my belly, my hips, my thighs has become a thing to admire, as opposed to a source of self-recrimination and disgust.So, I wanted to talk about this new found inner peace and body acceptance. How did I go from feeling tortured by and hating my body