Wait What Really Ok With Loren Weisman

Morning show messaging, performance and delivery at Fox 35



Some considerations and a perspective on the tone, tempo, temperature and transitions in the performance as well as the delivery of the information you want to get across. The same words can be said by different people and create different results. Wait What Really OK S7.E7.#120 spotlights the morning show messaging, performance and delivery at Fox 35. While they are a news team, in some ways, they are more of a messaging team. And in their performance and delivery of the news, many could learn a great deal from them as an example. This is much more than highlighting the morning news team at Fox 35 Orlando and their Good Day Orlando program. This is much more about how the effectiveness of their morning show messaging allows for them to get their news across to so many in authentically engaging and connecting way. As in any city, there are a number of news stations where many are saying very similar things. A differentiator is the performance of the way that news is shared. Beyond the script and the words on