Wait What Really Ok With Loren Weisman

Authentic messaging introductions and impression perceptions



A great deal of networking has reduced in authenticity while being amplified in the popularity and number count of making as many contacts as possible over making the right type of connections. Authentic messaging introductions and impression perceptions is topic for S7 E10 #123 of Wait What Really OK.Creating an authentic connection with a new contact these days seems more challenging than ever. With so many rushing to reach so many as fast as possible and find out as quickly as possible whether or not this person will be of benefit, there is a loss of the integrity, authenticity and authority in messaging introductions. Slowing down the need for numbers and making an effort to see them as people and not numbers is one of many simple steps that can allow for better engagement.This goes for the cold contact you meet on the street, down to the networking groups that seem to be everywhere. Every day, there is a new networking group, whether online or offline promises to introduce you to the greatest people and