Wait What Really Ok With Loren Weisman

Amplified authentic opinions and intelligence to consider.



Amplified authentic opinions and intelligence to consider is the topic and touch point for s8. E7. n130. of the FSG messaging and optics podcast, Wait What Really OK.From the fixed focus groups to the ability to vote as much and as often as you like, the authentic voice and authentic opinion has trouble shining through. From artificial intelligence delivering data that can be artificially altered to the opinions of a paid influencer, we are missing out on authentic opinions from real people to understand the authority in what people are feeling, over the popularity of what people are being told people are feeling. Some of the issues are in communication. We see individuals sharing op-eds. One sided views of opinions that are placed in to editorial format instead of learning the Op Agg story… the aggregation of authentic opinions collected for the authority data that it could provide. Art, like music, like food is opinion. It is subjective and while there are popular opinions, a great deal of that popularity h