Brown Water Banter

Ep 39: Debra Lynch



In episode 39, I talk with Debra Foster Lynch as we celebrate the life of her late husband Don. Debra and I meet randomly one night at the Hard Rock here in Biloxi. Somehow within the first few minutes of us talking we realized that we had both lost someone important to us about a year ago. She lost her husband and I lost my mother. It was a very deep conversation and not one you would expect to have by chance in the middle of a casino. I mentioned to her that we should share her story on the podcast and she said she was interested in doing just that. It was almost a year later but we finally sat down and told her story. I was extremely nervous to talk about this topic because the passing of my mother isn’t something I’ve talked much about on the podcast. I am glad we did this episode. My hope is that this episode could help anyone out there struggling with the lose of a loved one or better yet help us realize how important it is to cherish the time we have with our loved ones. Follow us on Social: Facebook Y