Sales Reinvented

The Three Forces of Story with Mark Smyth, Ep #311



Human beings are intuitive storytellers. We look up to certain storytellers and clam up and think “Maybe I can’t do that.” But through practice and utilizing narrative frameworks, we can transform from being intuitive to intentional storytellers. Anyone can be just as compelling as someone they seek to emulate. But in this episode of Sales Reinvented, Mark Smyth points out that it helps if you use the “Three Forces of Story.” Learn more about his framework in this episode!  Outline of This Episode [0:51] Why storytelling is an important skill [2:11] Can you learn to be a great storyteller?  [3:17] The three forces of story [5:03] Great storytellers are insatiably curious [6:37] Resources to improve storytelling abilities [8:10] Top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [10:14] Why a compelling story is impactful The three forces of story Mark notes that every story contains a familiar structure: A setup, a problem, and a resolution. Act I, II, and III, a beginning, middle, and end. What makes a great story work? Yo