Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Creating Superfans with Brittany Hodak (134)



As we continue to move into season 7 of the podcast I am sticking with the theme of interviewing my incredibly smart, talented friends. This week’s guest? She’s bringing her SUPERFAN formula! Everyone has the power to create superfans: loyal, enthusiastic customer advocates. In this episode my friend and Nashville neighbor, Brittany Hodak, shares her memorable, five-part framework that teaches actionable steps businesses must take to turn customers into superfans.  Here’s a sneak peak at her “superfan” framework: S: Start with your story. U: Understand your customer story.  (“No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care” – President Theodore Roosevelt.) P: Personalize. (Super fans are created at the intersection of your story and your customer stories in a way that’s memorable and meaningful to them.) E: Exceed expectations.  R: Repeat  So whether you are a larger business or a soloproneur, by using this framework you can go from commodity provider to a category of one in the minds of