Speaking Your Brand With Carol Cox | Women Entrepreneurs | Public Speaking | Communications And Media | Presentations | Tedx

290: [Coaching] Get More Leads from Your Presentations with Monica Young



One of the best reasons to be a speaker is to increase brand awareness for your business and to generate leads and clients. Especially as social media gets noisier and the algorithms make it harder for our content to be seen, being a speaker standing in front of an audience (whether in person or virtually), with the built-in credibility and authority and attention that comes from that, is an incredible opportunity to connect with potential clients and take them to the next step on their buying journey with you. However, what I see happen a lot is that speakers provide too much content, especially too much training, in their lead generation presentations, which makes it less likely that they will get the leads they want. This episode is an on-air coaching call with one of our Thought Leader Academy clients, Monica Young, as she pivots from training content to thought leadership in her presentations. You’ll hear us talk through: Pinpointing her offer and ideal client Using our Signature Talk Canvas® framework