On The Brink With Andi Simon

324: Jann Mirchandani—To Build A Great Presence Online You Must Begin With Your Website



Hear how to make your website your best marketing tool We're going to do three things today for my audience as you're listening in or watching. First, Jann Mirchandani will tell you about her own journey as a marketing maven. Then we're going to talk about what Google has done to change the way we search for what we want to buy or answers to what we want to know. For solutions to what you need, you start by asking Google. Have a physical ailment? You ask Dr. Google. Second, do you know why that is so important for your business and its image, identity, brand, presence and what you communicate in the marketplace? And third, what do you need to do to build a brand identity? How can you create the story you want for your business? If you have a company or want to start one, this is for you! Watch and listen to our conversation here Can Jann help you? I have known Jann Mirchandani for a long time, and she has built several websites for our clients. While she was speaking at a Westchester Business Council event,