Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Happy 6-Year Anniversary to the Bombshell Business Podcast (132)



It’s the 6-year anniversary of the Bombshell Business Podcast this week! Here are six things I’ve learned from the past year of podcast that I want to share with you! #1: You make it totally worth making this podcast happen. My peers hear me talk about my audience and some of them have been inspired to start their own just because of the relationship they can build with listeners like you. They see how much I treasure you. Truly. #2: There are things out of my control and there are things within my control. I thought I knew this before, but I feel like in the past year I have learned the art of letting go. Want to experience more about growing through the hard stuff? Check out Pauline Nguyen’s episode.  Personal Development Cannot Happen Without Personal Disruption with Pauline Nguyen (120) #3: Focus, focus, focus. (Simplify to amplify.) In business, having a core focus is imperative. With the world being so wonky right now it is harder than ever to find and keep that focus, but I’ve been trying! My episod