What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 124: Co-Writing A Book To Grow Your Brand With Being Boss Author Emily Thompson



The Nitty Gritty * The four reasons why Emily and Kathleen, co-hosts of the Being Boss podcast, chose to traditionally publish their first book, Being Boss, instead of self-publishing (and how they weighed the pros and cons of each) * What the collaborative process looked like behind-the-scenes for them, from writing sessions over Zoom to in-the-moment editing * The multiple marketing channels they’re using for the book launch from traditional methods like radio and T.V. to community-focused methods like launch teams made up of passionate Being Boss supporters and more. Today on What Works, we welcome back Emily Thompson, founder of Indie Shopography, co-host of the Being Boss podcast, and co-author of Being Boss: Take Control Of Your Work + Live Life On Your Own Terms. Emily graciously takes us behind the scenes of co-writing her first book, including what she considered when choosing between traditional and self-publishing. She also shares the process behind writing the book together with Kathleen Shanno