Speaking Your Brand With Carol Cox | Women Entrepreneurs | Public Speaking | Communications And Media | Presentations | Tedx

288: A Framework for Creating a Signature Talk for Income and Impact with Carol Cox



Do you sometimes sit down to create a new presentation and stare at a blank document or slide deck, not sure where to start or you feel like you have so many ideas you don’t know which to include? Or perhaps you’ve been delivering your presentations for a while and they’re not quite as effective as they could be for lead generation? Or perhaps you want to put more of your thought leadership and personal stories in your presentations but aren’t sure how to do that? This is why I created the Signature Talk Canvas® framework. I use it for my own presentations and we use it with our clients in VIP Days and in our Thought Leader Academy. It works for any topic in any industry. Our framework is a proven, repeatable process that works - so much so that it’s led to tens of thousands of dollars (at least) in clients from lead generation talks I’ve given plus all the leads and sales our clients have received from their presentations. It’s also led to highly successful TEDx and keynote talks. In this episode, I describe