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Become a Professional Podcast Editor



One of the first ways I made money with my podcast is when a member of the School of Podcasting asked if I knew an editor. Who did I recommend? Me. They just wanted to talk into the microphone and hand it off to someone. That was back in 2005, and things haven't changed. Some people love editing, and other people "just want to talk into the microphone." Back on episode (752 )I interview Mark Deal and Steve Stewart from the (Podcast Editor Academy) which is an amazing resource with tutorials on software (Hindenburg, Reaper, etc) but it also talks about the business of being a podcaster editor. Mentioned in this Episode of Profit From Your Podcast:The importance of having a niche. How Steve started out as a podcast editor without a website. Mark talks about setting expectations by having a contract with your customer. The difference between an editor, an engineer, a manager, and a story shaper. Common mistakes new podcast