On The Brink With Andi Simon

322: Paula Guilfoyle—How Do You Manage Your Emotions To Build Better Conversations For Exceptional Results?



Learn how to face adversity, change your thoughts, and smile Do you ever wish you could handle your emotions better? In difficult conversations at work or in life, do certain words or attitudes trigger negative reactions, maybe from years ago? We've all been there, which is why I'm so happy to bring to you today Paula Guilfoyle, an expert in change management, a transformational leader, and a wonderful  lady. She will teach us all to PBS: pause, breathe, and smile. Another tip from Paula: when that voice in your head is trying to make you feel bad, just NBC: notice, bounce, and change. Sound simple? It is, and it isn't. Listen to our conversation and I guarantee that afterward, you will be more peaceful, more focused and more productive, at home and at work. Change is hard but you can do it! I know you can. Watch and listen to our conversation here Paula and I talk about the challenges of changing a person, much less an entire organization. Through her company, Claim Leadership, Paula focuses on helping com