Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR359 - Jay Lauterwasser - Video Game Composer and Sound Designer for EverQuest



My guest today is Jay Lauterwasser a video game sound designer and music composer for Darkpaw games in San Diego, CA.  “I grew up in St Louis, Missouri, moved to San Diego in 2004 and started my career in the video game industry in Quality Assurance. In 2016 I got my opportunity to become a Sound Designer and in 2019 I added Music Composer to my job description. I’ve been a musician for the better part of my life. I started playing bass in highschool, joined a band after graduating and got to see the eastern half of the country from the back seat of the tour van. Even though the touring slowed down, I never stopped playing music. I still play bass in the local San Diego band Roger! and sit in for the occasional recording session.  I’ve been a part of countless recording sessions as a musician but never officially as an engineer. Fortunately, I’ve worked with a bunch of great engineers that were always willing to answer questions or explain something along the way. It was those experiences and further explorat