Profitable Farmer

Episode 99 - Reflecting on the Farm Owners Academy Story...



Eight years ago, Farm Owners Academy (FOA) was just an idea shared by two incredible visionaries, Greg & Deb Johnsson.   Six months later, and following some time with Business Coach Andrew Roberts, the business we see and cherish today was born.   And the rest, as they say, is history.   As this is our 99th Profitable Farmer Podcast, I thought it appropriate to reflect on this journey with FOA Co-Founders Greg Johnsson & Andrew Roberts.   From that initial idea, now to an incredible community of over 500 farm businesses progressing through our various programs and a team of 20 dedicated business coaches and highly professional support personnel, the FOA Story is one worthy of sharing.   As a team and community, we can all be proud of what we have together created. I personally feel this project will make an impact of significance on our industry, as it has for the hundreds of farming families who have already completed our various programs.   I’d like to dedicate this interview to Greg, Deb and Robbo