Seaside Radio

Seaside Radio Episode Sixteen



It's been enough time so here it is...Episode 16 ! Thanks to the Seaside Elementary Schools Radio Theatre and TV workshop (and their teacher Oliva Herenow), we have another great 15 minute compilation of Radio, Theatre and TV that’s been recently heard and seen in Seaside! First up is “Trevor Doesn’t work here anymore“ - the thrilling first part of a three part escape story about a store clerk called Trevor escaping his appointed store and the fascist clutches of the ‘Supermarket Security’! We then are privy to the infamous and fortunate demise of a local community DJ who has spent too much time in a studio talking to himself and playing Billy Joel. There is the pilot play from the Seaside Theatre Workshops called “Modern Vlad” - A vampire that is not very good at it. And then there is the song called “Modern Vlad” We managed to secure the third last episode of Sue and The Seacow. In this episode, the general manager seacows are lining up in a row - who has two seacow beasts in his control and plans to get th